the TV is one another media... but these day TV seems so money oriented and getting worse. today i see in TV.. global TV ... one of new show commercial.. "ojek race" these are new reality show i think... to choose the best "ojekers" hahahah LOL... and another TV station make the second edition "be a man".. another silly show... "bencong" is gonna be normal... that the theme of these reality show..
and for the last sunday morning.. around 7 o'clock.. there's "gosip" show. weks.... early morning we have to see that show.. not very good show i think...
Senin, 15 Desember 2008
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life... doesn't seem fair sometimes.... but only the one who thinks it's positive can take the advantages of every negative thing. guys.. and girls... nobody born perfect, one of people born rich and another poor.. but the rich one don't have true friend and another one have.
last day i talk with my family.. we talk about homosexual, the modern day seem make some people think new way to satisfied their need. my sister said that she have a friend that these kind of relationship, she says that many of homo is a good-looking guy with a nice body... so perfect guy when girls see them.. but in their mind "they" only interest to another guy.. .. one of them make normal connection, such normal guy.. have a girlfriend... but inside they have boyfriend....
so girl's be careful... :)
another day i talk to one of my friend, that work in one of big "club" in jakarta... we talk about some "ayam" that sell there.. and i found they also sell "bebek" this is a call for guy who that can be "use".
"bebek peking" and "bebek lokal" is category for guy can be use by another guy or girl... i forgot which one is can be use by another guy. and every day there 1-2 "bebek" there.. and around 250 "ayam" lokal and imported sell every day.... hoaaa... so f*cking business i think.... "big money big risk" .
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Minggu, 07 Desember 2008
just an booring sunday night
thinking somethimes can get ourself so amaze, seeing something also can get some new fresh idea..
the world look so monotone lately... need something to spice it up.. i need something and someone to spice and make my world cloourfull... looking and looking everyday ... many friend of mine give alot of spice in my live.. one give me blue.. another give me red... sometimes yellow... but none of them give the real spice to my world... it's true that they were there for me when i need them, and i try to help them whenever they need someone...
words.. only one small thing that i like the most... alot of style, variation... express something in word can be so fun.. many actress and actor use that and make big movie, a lot of money. like another book writer, script writer..... many use word to make connection to another people...
words can make someone big.. so do i.
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Kamis, 04 Desember 2008
my new addidas
today i bought an pair brand new addidas shoe.. its so great...( the pic is later, ^^) i love the colour.. its braun and dark braun.. so great... there's a little defect .. but ist's okay.. i got some discount for that... hehehhe..
i don't know the price is low enough for that shoe. but i think for 120 IRD ist worth it.. i hope...
i bought is from bazaar atma.. "bajaj 3" ... it take place is sporthall in atmajaya university in semanggi .. from yesterday till tomorrow... it sell many thing.. from clothes, lap top, shoes, game, ..hmm and there's is one interesting tool for remove nikotin from zigarrete.. it's only take about few second and.. walaaa.. the nikotine is gone.. some say it just a little.. but.. it's only for people who smoke. hehheh ...
there's modern dance too.. but i see not to good, my lovely friend can do better than that.. ;)
owht i almost forget.. there's food altought... i try 'nasi campur' 100% not halal it writen.. hehhehe
'okironobox' who sell okonomiyaki and other japanese food.. germany sausage.. koreanish... padang.. manado.. eheh.. and many other..
that's for today..
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Rabu, 03 Desember 2008
my first post
this is my first english blog...
i try to write it with english so more people can understand what i think.
also i can practice my misserable english.. hope you all can understand. ^^
today i fell like i'm life in earth.. full with joy and pain... happiness and sadness...
so balance in these world.
the more i think about these life.. the more i know about something... the more i like to know more about many thing...
sometimes people afraid about something that they didn't knew.. or something that maybe gonna happen. all of these is happen in these mind 'the brain' that have all the information that can predict someting and think anything. the great mind is so powerfull that can cause halucination, "thing" that maybe not excist...
so many negative mind that people have and these gonna make someone life misserable.. and there is the ooposite.. the positive mind.. that can make someone happy.
the optional is all in your mind.. what u choose.. is what u get... ^^
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