One day I see “laron” I forgot.. if that is the right word for these animal.. but we call is so…. There one wise word that use to be hear long ago from my oldman… “don’t life like “laron” they only life for few hour. just to race for the light.. and die…. “ . “ it mean in these world we shouldn’t just to catch money, fame. And die…. Do something usefull for every being”
Hope we walk in the same path.. the good one… the best one.. for you and everybody around you.. BBU
Jumat, 02 Januari 2009
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x mas
Xmas 25 Dezember 2008… i go “ujung genteng” as a team for one of pre wed… I go with my uncle.. and the team.. and the couple is my friend …. Benny and Meymey … the trip took about 3 hour from “sukabumi” .. the first place we go is “curug cikaso”. last two year I go these places.. but there ain’t no water from the waterfall… only one big nature pool… but now.. there three big waterfall in front of my eye… so amaiz.. I try to give the picture.. befor and after.. hope I still have one without water… the another places is..”muara” is the meet between river and sea…. The trip took around 1 hour.. with the boat… but the view so great… one little miss is.. the water is a little brown.. because It was rain season… on the riverside I see small village…. So romantic… they use boats as their transportation…. After a few shot in “muara” we go back and the next destination is “minajaya” we like to catch sunset there, but it was rain… so we cancel .the photo session. We go to the inn.. after eat and chat … it’s time to sleep …. Good nite everbody…
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