one of the greatest park in indonesia is mekarsari fruit garden.. it's located in cileungsi.. (about 45 minute from jakarta) in 264 ha of mekarsari there around 100.000 type of plants and fruit in this Mekarsari. the one that I get from my visits to Mekarsari this is the knowledge and enough decent souvenir. on saturday 21 march i go with friends and is very satisfying .. with the pay packages of tickets for entry IDR 60,000 (discount) I have to get a lot of souvenir .. Mekarsari such as beverages, bark 1 / 2 kg, star fruit, beautiful glass, plant seeds, water bike and canal boat ticket. that visit has spent a tiring day, but not all places in Mekarsari was visited because of time limitations. as writed in website will be in better ask first when is the fruit harvest in order to estimate the time the visitor can visit. with the cost of entry without any package of IDR 15,000 and IDR train around 10,000. the visitor can enjoy a tour of the garden which is very exotic.
and for next time there will be waterpark build there.. around fun..
Selasa, 24 Maret 2009
Taman Wisata Mekarsari
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Jumat, 06 Maret 2009
aha.. a long weekend
another long weekend these year..
the sun shine so bright these morning.. and make me so healty...
just like the sun.. my life today gonna be as bright as the sun...
i woke up in grand tropic, becouse yesterday i have to meeting with my friend.. and we talk everything about work.. and make a new path in my life..
hope today be great...
see.. i have a good start morning.. i took eropean breakfast.. with pancake, french toast,sausage,potato, cereal, and puding and fruit of course.. hmm yummy... so tasty..
miss u all
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Rabu, 04 Maret 2009
what a wonderfull day
after the boring morning.. the rest of my day getting better because my self hipnosis.. its work.. i feel these day more colorfull.. i meet my old friend.. eat vegetarian since monday of course..
and last day i take some chat and little drink with my friend.. so enjoy... and i think tomorrow will be better and always better that today.. i'm sure of it..
nitez everyone..
have a good sleep.. and face the morning with big smile...
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Selasa, 03 Maret 2009
these one of my booring time in my life.. there is a lot of job.. but i'm still don't have the feeling of make it done right now..
i read someone blog and find that she got motivated by someone.. i'd like to have that kind motivation.. just stand by me and we reach the star together... but time never stop... it's always spinning.. and so do i.. must go face the world with all of my strenght .. mind and soul...
hope from these day the world be as i want to be..
ok.. get up.. get shower.. and get to done something usefull for the rest of the day..
may all the joy be with u always...everyone and everything in anytime..
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Kamis, 26 Februari 2009
futsal day
it's thursday.. and ist futsal.. these time i learn something fun.. my team from many lack of skill.. but can do some damage to my enemy.. hauhauha.. first play we won 2:0. i can enjoy the game very good these time.. but my shoe need to be repair.. it's broke in the middle of the game... just another thing need to be new..but it a fun game..
and my friend is birthday today.. is.. party time tommorow.. should be.. its friday right.. hehehehe..
and last i got my job proposal accepted.. and get to hard work but fun work... alot of money shpuld be... hihiih
love u all..
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Rabu, 25 Februari 2009
thx friend
today i go meeting my work friend.. and they always give me so many input.. good one... make me motivated to do improvment in my life.. and today i feel so exited for that... there's so many new thing to learn in these world... and sometimes still thinking that the 24 hours never enough.
today learn : write something good that happen everyday... anything...
okay let me think firs.. today.. i get closer to one of my destination of richness... and its my third day of vege.. ow its feels so nice ... i can save my money more for other urgent thing..
may all being always happy
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Senin, 23 Februari 2009
be vege
today is my first day i do vegetarian style.. it all because yesterday i hear from speaker
in vihara.. he say that vegetarian lifestyle is good for the body and help alot for the
environtment. save the world campaign say that one major causes for global warming is from
the other reason is my money is so tight.. i must must must save more...
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Jumat, 02 Januari 2009
One day I see “laron” I forgot.. if that is the right word for these animal.. but we call is so…. There one wise word that use to be hear long ago from my oldman… “don’t life like “laron” they only life for few hour. just to race for the light.. and die…. “ . “ it mean in these world we shouldn’t just to catch money, fame. And die…. Do something usefull for every being”
Hope we walk in the same path.. the good one… the best one.. for you and everybody around you.. BBU
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x mas
Xmas 25 Dezember 2008… i go “ujung genteng” as a team for one of pre wed… I go with my uncle.. and the team.. and the couple is my friend …. Benny and Meymey … the trip took about 3 hour from “sukabumi” .. the first place we go is “curug cikaso”. last two year I go these places.. but there ain’t no water from the waterfall… only one big nature pool… but now.. there three big waterfall in front of my eye… so amaiz.. I try to give the picture.. befor and after.. hope I still have one without water… the another places is..”muara” is the meet between river and sea…. The trip took around 1 hour.. with the boat… but the view so great… one little miss is.. the water is a little brown.. because It was rain season… on the riverside I see small village…. So romantic… they use boats as their transportation…. After a few shot in “muara” we go back and the next destination is “minajaya” we like to catch sunset there, but it was rain… so we cancel .the photo session. We go to the inn.. after eat and chat … it’s time to sleep …. Good nite everbody…
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