Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

thx friend

today i go meeting my work friend.. and they always give me so many input.. good one... make me motivated to do improvment in my life.. and today i feel so exited for that... there's so many new thing to learn in these world... and sometimes still thinking that the 24 hours never enough.

today learn : write something good that happen everyday... anything...

okay let me think firs.. today.. i get closer to one of my destination of richness... and its my third day of vege.. ow its feels so nice ... i can save my money more for other urgent thing..

may all being always happy

3 komentar:

M~Liciou$ mengatakan...

et daghh... ternyata bhs inggris u paragh juga.heuheuhe...blajar grammar agy lo... senee gw ajarinn... di jaminn, bisa dlm 1jam... bisa tambah pusing hwhwhwhwh

M~Liciou$ mengatakan...

btw.. ni rikah hwhwhwhwh
pinjem account mikee.. khan gw gaptek jd ga ngudeng bikin kaya gituin....

Unknown mengatakan...

woii... tes tes bunyi hujan diatas genting... br bikin akun nehhh hhwhwhwhwh