Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

my first post

this is my first english blog...
i try to write it with english so more people can understand what i think.
also i can practice my misserable english.. hope you all can understand. ^^

today i fell like i'm life in earth.. full with joy and pain... happiness and sadness...
so balance in these world.

the more i think about these life.. the more i know about something... the more i like to know more about many thing...
sometimes people afraid about something that they didn't knew.. or something that maybe gonna happen. all of these is happen in these mind 'the brain' that have all the information that can predict someting and think anything. the great mind is so powerfull that can cause halucination, "thing" that maybe not excist...

so many negative mind that people have and these gonna make someone life misserable.. and there is the ooposite.. the positive mind.. that can make someone happy.
the optional is all in your mind.. what u choose.. is what u get... ^^

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